The Millennium Kids (MK) Corner on HypeFM is dedicated to giving the young people of Perth a voice. Millennium Kids Inc. is a youth-run environmental organization and have partnered with HypeFM to provide youth with an opportunity to analyze and become involved in their local community. Empowering young people through positive, constructive action, the 1.5 hour weekly show consists of a variety of kid-driven interviews, fun educational information packages, games and giveaways.

This is your show and you have the chance to come on air and express your opinion! Email if you want to be involved in the show!


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In light of a local news story of the day - the MK Corner decided to look at your views of Graffiti and Urban Art.

News Article Courtesy of the ABC
"West Australian councils are pushing for tough new laws to force graffiti vandals to pay clean-up costs. The President of the WA Local Government Association (WALGA), Bill Mitchell, says graffiti costs ratepayers and taxpayers more than $30 million a year.
Mr Mitchell believes councils should be able to recover the entire clean-up cost from vandals, or their parents if the offender is underage. He says many vandals are not being held financially accountable for their actions.
"If they get work orders, no on turns up," he said.
"If they are fined, no one pays the fine and it in some ways goes back to the Juvenile Defenders Act whereby people are caught between a juvenile and being an adult and seem to slip through the cracks in the system."
Representatives of WALGA hope to meet the Minister for Police and the Police Commissioner to discuss the issue."

We asked Hype listeners if they think there is a difference between graffiti and urban art? There was a whole range of responses flooding in on the Hype Hotline: 9472 1017
Carrie (14) from Spearwood: Graffiti is Vandalism. Urban Art is Art.
Simone (19) from Beeliar: I don't think it is fair that parents should have to pay for a kids crime... Why is it their fault?
Jeremy (15) Joondalup: I think we need some more places for kids like me to do graffiti. Why doesnt the goventment put up Urban Art Walls for us?

If you have something to say let us know by commenting below!

We were also lucky enough to hear from some young people about their opinions on graffiti and why they do it. If you would like to listen to the package check out the MK Corner Blog side bar as it will be posted soon->

TOP 5 This week's Top 5 came live from Erika (18) from John Septimus Roe Anglican College

5. Trent Williams- the times

4. Woah- Wes Carr

3. India Arie- Wonderful

2. Put your number in my phone- Trey Songs

1. Summer- Microwave Jenny

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